How I Make My Matcha Lattes


I stopped drinking coffee and switched to matcha lattes — why? Caffeine made me jittery and anxious, while matcha helps me feel steady and energized all day long. More on the science behind that below, but I love the taste of matcha and the way it makes me feel.

First, I want to acknowledge that matcha is a green tea drink that originated in Japan, and it goes beyond just being a drink. The Japanese tea ceremony is a choreographic ritual of preparing and serving matcha that involves certain etiquette and aesthetics. I highly recommend reading this blog post from Just One Cookbook to learn more about the traditions of matcha and the proper way to prepare it.

The way I prepare matcha is not the traditional Japanese way, but it’s important to learn about the origins of matcha and its culture when making a matcha of your own. This is just how I prepare mine in the morning, but there is so much more to the culture of matcha, and it’s really worth learning about!

There are many benefits of drinking matcha. Here are some of the reasons you'll want to sip on this green tea: 

1. A Caffeine Boost Without The Jitters

Sometimes, you really just need caffeine to get through a long day or to help you focus, and there's nothing wrong with that. But if you're like me, coffee can make you feel quite crappy, possibly even making you feel anxious and jittery.

But Hallelujah! Matcha gives you the energy boost without the jitters. Even though matcha does contain a solid amount of caffeine, it also contains L-Theanine, an amino acid that promotes a state of relaxation and well-being. I've definitely noticed a huge difference when I switched from coffee to matcha. Now I feel alert throughout the day, but I am more relaxed and like myself. 

2. Antioxidants

Matcha is green tea after all, which means it's a good source of antioxidants. In fact, matcha has 10 times more antioxidants than regular green tea. Because matcha contains finely ground leaves that are consumed whole rather than strained, you consume a lot more of the good stuff. Drinking matcha can help fight off cancer and even heart disease. 

It's worth noting that quality when buying matcha matters. You don't have to necessarily splurge for the expensive stuff, but make sure you opt for matcha that is pure matcha and not mixed with other green tea, and make sure it's from Japanese leaves! I usually go for ceremonial grade, which I find best.

Here are some of my favorite brands:


Another thing I really love about matcha is how easy it is to blend in other healthy ingredients. This allows me to start my day with all my favorite healthy food powders. You can add anything from collagen powder, to superfood powders, to protein powders, to a blend of adaptogens. I usually add collagen to both my hot and cold matchas and coconut butter to my hot ones. Sometimes I will add in some probiotic powder as well.


And finally, here's a recipe for my favorite morning matcha latte. Feel free to subtract, add, and substitute as desired — there's no one right way, and I encourage experimenting! I added some edible flowers on mine for aesthetics, but I definitely do not do that every morning!! Trust me, it still tastes great without!

  • 1 cup hot (but not boiling) water

  • 1-2 teaspoons matcha powder

  • 1 teaspoon coconut butter

  • 1 tablespoon collagen powder

  • 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk or oat milk

  • 1/2 teaspoon pure maple syrup (or 1/2 Medjool date)

1. Blend ingredients together in a high-speed blender for about 1 minute until smooth and frothy. Serve warm. 

To make an iced latte: Instead of using boiling water, just use 1 1/2 cups milk of choice and blend. Pour over ice.

To make a rose latte: Add 1-2 tablespoons culinary rosewater. Here is the brand I use: