How to Eat Meat + Easy Buffalo Chili & Sweet Potato Fries

After so many posts without meat, I thought it was appropriate to write one all about it, especially because it's finals time for many, and this is the best time to eat it! Since meat is such an excellent source of protein, it really boosts brain power and focus, as well as mood. However, there are some rules you should follow when picking and choosing the best meat for yourself.

I know I talk about this all the time, but you should really watch Food Inc. if you want to learn about the meat industry in the US. Most of the standard meat for sale is made from cows, pigs and chicken that are shoved together in one small space, with no room to move and that eat and poop all over each other. I know it sounds graphic, but this is what causes disease like E Coli, which can be deadly.

Additionally, these livestock are being given antibiotics, even if they are healthy. This is done to encourage growth in the animals and make them fattier and meatier. The major problem with this is that it's causing antibiotic resistance in humans. This is a serious issue. We need antibiotics to fight major illnesses, but if we are resistant to them because of their overuse, and because of their prevalence in food, we won't be able to use them to treat serious illnesses when we actually need them.

That being said, here are the rules of thumb for the type of meats you should be buying and consuming to get all of the positive health benefits and non of the negative:


Free Range: These animals are allowed to roam freely on the farm instead of being in a tightly enclosed space with other animals. This keeps the animals healthier from diseases.

Organic: These meats have no pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, chemical or synthetic fertilizers, nitrates, nitrites or preservatives. They are also not treated with hormones, GMOS, or antibiotics. Aka, they are all natural. These additives are stored in the animal's fat, and can cause excess weight gain in humans. You're not only being environmental, but you are helping your body get rid of these toxins when you eat organic meat.

Red Meats:

Grass fed: This type of meat has more Omega 3s as well as Vitamin E. You are also significantly less likely to get E Coli from grass fed animals than from animals fed with grain.

Organic: Same benefits as chicken.


Wild caught: Fish raised in farms live in similar conditions to farm raised animals in enclosed spaces. They are controlled in small pens and contain more fat, antibiotics and toxins than wild caught fish. This is especially important for fish like salmon, who are fed the most antibiotics of all meats in order to prevent them from getting diseases that are swarming around in the sewage-like water of these lakes and ponds. Wild fish, on the other hand, swim freely in the Pacific, in clean water, free of antibiotics and color-enhancers. They are higher in Omega-3s, which help prevent heart disease and boost mood. They also contain less fat than farm raised fish.

This may seem like a lot to ask for, but many restaurants and grocery stores are now selling and serving organic, free-range, grass fed and wild caught meats. Just carefully check labels, and Google some eating out options and it shouldn't be too hard to find. None of the taste is compromised with these practices. In fact, you might find that they taste better.

How often should I eat meat?
I think it really depends on the person, but here is my suggestion for an average individual: Red meat no more than once a week. Fish one to two times a week, but try to have it at least once. Chicken once or twice a week.

Buffalo Chili & Baked Sweet Potato Fries with Sriracha Ketchup

1 lb buffalo meat
1/2 can kidney beans
1 chopped medium onion
2 cloves garlic, chopped
4 large white mushrooms, chopped
10 grape tomatoes, chopped
Chopped red and yellow peppers, to taste
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
Chili pepper flakes, to taste

Serves 2 to 3

1. Chop and saute your vegetables in the olive oil. Cook until almost completely ready (onions are translucent, tomatoes are soft).

2. Add in the buffalo meat, on medium to low heat. Buffalo takes less time to cook than beef and needs the medium to low temperature to cook correctly. You can cook the meat to how you like it, and many like it medium. I cooked it a little longer just to be safe, and it was still incredibly flavorful, as buffalo meat generally is. I cooked the meat for about 3 to 4 minutes. 

3. Add the balsamic vinegar, beans, and chili pepper flakes. Let the meat stand for a couple of minutes before serving to maximize the taste. 

Serve over grain of choice, if desired. I had mine with barley, and it was hearty and filling. Quinoa is another great option (of course).

Buffalo is a great alternative to beef. It's really simple to cook and extremely flavorful on its own. I didn't have to add anything heavy to this recipe to make it flavorful, and I didn't have any of the traditional spices for a chili, but it was still very, very tasty. In terms of health benefits, buffalo has less fat and less cholesterol than beef.

For fries: Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Chop sweet potato into fry-sized slices. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil and place the sweet potato fries apart so they aren't touching each other. You can drizzle a little bit of olive oil on top of the fries, if you desire. Bake for about 25 minutes, or until crispy. Keep your eye on them, because bake times can range depending on your oven. Mine is weak, so it takes longer. Serve with ketchup and Sriracha, mixed (about two parts ketchup, one part Sriracha). 

Bon Apetit!